Week 8: Celebrating Wins Together

“Rejoice with those who rejoice; weep with those who weep.” – Romans 12:15 (CSB)

Celebration is a powerful way to build relationships and strengthen the team. When we take the time to rejoice together over victories, big or small, we reflect the joy of the Lord and encourage one another to keep pressing forward. In worship ministry, every successful moment—whether a flawless song transition or a deep connection with the congregation—is worth celebrating.

This week, let’s focus on recognizing and celebrating the wins within our team, building a culture of joy and gratitude as we serve.

For musicians, celebrating wins might mean acknowledging a well-played set, encouraging a teammate who’s improved, or simply expressing gratitude for the opportunity to worship together. Take time to highlight the positive moments during rehearsal or after Sunday’s service.

For the tech team, wins might look like a glitch-free projection, smooth audio transitions, or perfectly timed lighting cues. Celebrate these victories and recognize the effort that goes into making them happen. Encouraging one another in these moments develops a culture of motivation and unity within the team.

  1. Personal Reflection: Reflect on one win—big or small—from the past week and thank God for it.

  2. Team Reflection: During our team sharing time, take a moment to celebrate a specific team success from the past week.

  3. Sunday Preparation: Look for one moment during Sunday’s service to celebrate and share gratitude with the team afterward.